We anticipate that applications for the 2025-26 season of

The American Prize will be available, and the site fully updated,

by about April 10, 2025.

To receive the information by email, please sign up for our newsletter

using the link below.




Sign up (below) for "What's on TAP," our e-newsletter, to get regular updates and to receive complete results of the current year's contests.



* * *


To apply, start by accessing the drop-down menu

named "Competitions," above.

(See individual contests for details about requirements, deadlines,

prizes and fees.)






Sign up for "What's on TAP" our e-newsletter


Please email us with questions at theamericanprize@gmail.com







The American Prize

National Nonprofit Competitions in the Performing Arts

is the nation's most comprehensive series of contests in the classical arts.


The American Prize is nonprofit, unique in scope and structure, and is

designed to evaluate, recognize and reward the best performers, ensembles, composers, directors and administrators in the United States,

based on submitted recordings.

There is no live competition. There are no age limits.

The American Prize has attracted thousands of qualified contestants from all fifty states since its founding, has awarded nearly $150,000 in prizes in all categories since 2010, and is presented annually in many areas of the performing arts.



* The American Prize evaluates recorded performances only (online or on disc).

* No age limits.

* Limited repertoire restrictions.

* Separate categories based on age or education.

* Cash prizes to winners.

* Written commentary to those who rank finalist or higher.

* Nonprofit organization.



MUSICAL AMERICA honors DAVID KATZ and The American Prize:

David Katz, chief judge of The American Prize national nonprofit competitions in the performing arts, has been selected as one of Musical America's "Professionals of the Year" for his work creating and sustaining
The American Prize.

Read the full story here:
Musical America Top Professionals


The American Prize

is a series of new, non-profit national competitions in the performing arts unique in scope and structure,

providing cash awards, professional adjudication and regional, national and international recognition.

Each year, The American Prize rewards the best recorded performances by individual artists and ensembles

in the United States

at the professional, community/amateur, college, university, church and school levels.


You probably record your performances already.

Now it is time to win The American Prize and

receive the accolades you or your ensemble has earned.

"...in cities large and small all across the United States,

great art is being made–in schools and churches, in colleges and universities,

and by community and professional musicians, actors and composers.


The media does not always tell us about these artists, but they are there,

entertaining audiences, educating young people, and contributing

to the quality of life in the communities they serve.

It is time their work was recognized.

That is the reason for The American Prize..."

—Preamble to Creating the American Prize, (2009)
