The American Prize Family of Websites
If your organization would consider a reciprocal link with The American Prize, please e-mail the administrator at

The American Prize on Facebook–The American Prize on Facebook–the most up–to–date source for news and announcements. Friend us!

The American Prize Blog–where semi–finalists, finalists and winners are first announced to the public, offers important, updated information about contests, deadlines and scheduling. Become a follower!

The American Prize on Twitter–news, as it happens. Subscribe to our RSS feed.

The American Prize Winning Links–A blog highlighting links from winners, runners-up and finalists for The American Prize. See how others promote their success in the competitions and learn more about some of The American Prize laureates.

Prizeworthy–a news blog that offers in–depth articles about the philosophy and value of The American Prize, from judges, laureates and noted professionals.

Remembering Marijosius–Remembering Marijosius–memories of the brilliance and wit of Maestro Vytautas Marijosius, in whose honor The American Prize in Orchestral Programming is named..

The Friedrich Schorr Memorial Performance Prize in Voice–history of the original Friedrich Schorr vocal competition, its winners and productions, with background about the greatest Wagnerian baritone of his age, namesake of The American Prize vocal competitions.

Sure on this Shining Night–The Secrets of Competing–David Katz, chief judge of The American Prize, offers a how-to for auditioning, including personal insights, dos and don'ts, and even a few horror stories about the audition/screening process, based on his twenty-five years of experience as performing artist and judge.

Economy Classical–Economy Classical–Our non–profit EBAY site features printed orchestral, choral, vocal, instrumental and piano music at excellent savings, many unique performing arts gifts and supplies, plus recordings of The American Prize winners when available. Updated regularly. Your purchase helps support Hat City Music Theater, Inc., administrators of The American Prize.